Population Control

Population Control in Developing Countries

Although Brazil neglected to utilize the privilege of government assistance with decreasing their population, somehow it was effectively done. Brazil is 90% Catholic and up until the mid-1900s the country contact it is self in a traditional manner. This caused oversize families to struggle. Brazil use mass media and education to teach and show the younger generation and women that importance of birth control and contraception. The country began to change its views and values and women begin to go to school and to work. As the women throughout the entire country became more empowered the families became more smaller.

Although China’s one child per family mandatory policy was very effective, it was very controversial and oppressive . The Chinese government was very strict and didn’t care to educate its citizens about artificial contraception or condoms. Government officials didn’t warn them they just ripped fetuses from the mothers womb, some parents were forced to abandoned their young , those kids were know throughout China as are also known as the hidden kids, some children were stolen, some infants were sold, others were forced to have abortions and most of this was due to gender discrimination towards females . After many years of this oppression the country changed and there were three times the men to women and six times the Adults to children so although trying to prevent it over 300 million bears they also violated more than 200 million women.

Thailand’s method of population control differs from both China and Brazil but in my opinion Thailand’s methods are the most logical. Not to mention the fact that Thailand won’t be left with the burden of having too many elders and not enough children or middle-age people within the counry. Thailand also begin the process of population control before both Brazil and China so some may say that they had a Headstart, I say they just had a better approach. Thailand decided to educate his country through out reach and education. The country was poor with the high and finish out mortality rate, families were large and poor. So a guy by the nickname of Mr. condom decided to start Planned Parenthood and this program changed everything. Everyone in the country was educated on sexual health and contraception. Sexual health was promoted as healthy and as a smart choice. Children and teachers were educated. The population decrease from large poor families to small families. Then there was an AIDS epidemic which Took the country of a storm and close the country to backtrack and starts or we educate its citizens about the importance of contraceptives and safe sex two promotions he ever says in the company was able to gain control of the aids epidemic and stabilize the population. A’s rates were down by 90% which saved a total of 7.7 million lives.

Unfortunately, the government is involved in almost every aspect of our lives, but when it comes to preproduction there should be a line drawn. We the people should be in control and have free will to use contraception or not. Yet, I do feel like there isn’t enough out reach or education about condoms and birth-control or other contraception methods. In most countries these issues are still traditional and Secret Internet being discussed. Sex education starts in the home parents or their kids best teacher.


Environmental Case Study: Family planning in Thailand


In an article about the community-based family planning services at Thailand, I learned that Thailand has succeeded in the creation of the most successful birth control methods and programs.It all started when a man named Mechai Viravaidya also know as Mr. Condom, became concerned about the rapid population growth of his country and the effects that it would have in the long run both environmentally and economically. So he decided to put an end to the disadvantages of being in a really popularized country. He was tired of seeing the children die from poor nutrition or lack of drinking water; the child mortality rate in the 1970s were very high and he knew that something had to be done so he created a plan or should I say a program.

The program he created consisted of educating his entire country about different methods of contraception. This wasn’t an easy task because the subject matter was considered very private and wasn’t openly discussed. He decided to use mass media as his primary approach and educating his country. In my personal opinion I think that his approach was totally awesome because it allows the citizens of his country to become educated and then make a logical decision, he also got people talking to the children about sex and contraception so that everyone is comfortable with the topic of sexual intercourse and methods of contraception, I love the fact that these things were taught in school.

It is truly amazing how educating his country to the ideas of birth controls and condoms has caused a complete change. The countries child mortality rate was cut by 75% parents begin to have less children family income begin to increase and basically the country itself begin to Thrive.

Philadelphia Trash Talking

So, Let’s Talk Some Trash


So let’s talk some trash, Because not everyone knows the truth about America’s trash or the fact that Philadelphia has had a problem with the disposal of our toxic waste for more then 30 years. It all started when philadelphia exhausted it’s landfills, so the city begin to incinerate our trash which created ash which consist of arsenic, lead, mercury, and other Harmful toxins. The problem was simply getting rid of all of the hazardous ash. There was literally nowhere for the Toxic ash to go so it was put on a ship called Khian Sea . The Khian Sea set out to sail across the country looking for a place to dump the ash. The ship was at sea for more than a year before Haiti agree to except the toxic ash.

Philadelphians thought that all of our problems were solved, but that didn’t last long because the Haitians were under the impression that the Esh was an ass it all but topsoil fertilizer and once they found out the truth they wanted to cancel all agreements and get the ash removed from the island immediately. Except that the ship had already set out to sail and left more than 4000 tons of toxic waste produced by Philadelphians to pollute their island. Haiti is such a poor country that they gladly excepted the toxic waste even before investigating its contents.. Simply put they needed the money most developed countries dump their toxic waste within developing countries. They need our money and we need their landfills.

Back to square one the ships set out to sell across the world looking for a country who would except the toxic waste. After finding nowhere for the trash to go the shit begin to change its name and sale for there until one day all the ash disappeared. The ash was going in the world assumed it was dumped overboard.

Other countries got wind of what was going on and got together and made an agreement that no rich countries could just come and dump their trash. Then eventually other countries besides the United States well also request on the right to at least ship recycled materials to other countries. by this time the Haitians caught up to the Philadelphian Famous, they wanted retribution . The Haitians demanded that the Philadelphians pay for the damages that were done to the island due to the pollution into come get what was left of the pollution. Yet the Philadelphians decided to do nothing, to say that the city didn’t have enough funds within the budget to cover the cost. The city of Philadelphia decided to leave the burden of our toxic waste to the country of Haiti.

Pacific Gray Whales

Environmental Case Study; Saving a Gray Whale Nursery


According to an article called saving agree well nursery pacific gray whales meet annually at the west coast of Mexico to meet, give birth, and are staying on until an age of survival. This small body of water was adored due to the origin of its purity. But willing captives found this area and began killing wells which caused the animal population in the area to decrease severely

In 1954 Mexico band commercial Welling. Environmental science played a major role in making those laws possible. In 1994 Pacific Greenville’s were no longer considered endangered species. However, also in 1954, they began see you realize the Bays sea salt, which once again threatens to put pacific gray wells in ocean life in danger. environmental science and the survival of the wildlife within the bay became a strong theme.

The bays citizens started a campaign and threatened to boycott local businesses and decided to hold companies accountable for what they were doing to the base area specific gray whales along with the other species who are affected. In 2002, environmental list decided to hold these companies accountable and they all came to an agreement they can’t use wood at the end of the bay and produce less salt to see the environment and the pacific we will do our dear in your commute.

Back in 1954 when the bay area Sea salt was discovered companies were developed in the sea salt was abstract it which put the surrounding wildlife including the Pacific gray whales in danger so they save the whales from one type of endangerment only to place them in another dangerous situation . Thankfully developers decided to limit the development because they saw how they were depleting the bank of its resources and it was environmentally better to preserve what may be left of the Laguna San Ignacio Bay.

Tiyhera Christine

Environmental Conservation



According to an article called don’t believe everything you hear and see on the news, about 90% of the news is fictitious. Back when things were conducted in a more traditional and realistic manner, The news was all about facts and stats that were brought to the United States citizens by journalist and reporters who worked very hard and researched current and past events and provided the best real news that they possibly could. Unfortunately as time went on and in technology involved, by the late 1980s the government has stepped in and journalism had turned into broadcasting.

Now with a wider audience the media has gotten out of control. Most of the news consist of gossip about celebrities in anything to grab that attention Period nose is all about the readings in the viewers that actual news. Nothings factual even the reporters may not even be really reporters but instead maybe he actresses promoting a product or pushing some on for seen agenda. This has caused the United States citizens to become very skeptical about the news. We have some United States citizens who just don’t watch the news some is merely for entertainment and then we have those who are confused and have become conspiracy theories. Then there are the people like me who want to be aware of what’s going on in their country but I’m confused as to where to look at for the actual facts.

They close it really was news, it wasn’t entertaining in love, but now the overdramatized in opinion lies newspaper and articles are ridiculous. It’s all about amortizing, promoting, and keeping the true news in the government agendas a secret. This decision wasn’t made overnight. According to a study conducted by the Center for journalism concerning the media studies show that people love drama. Out rages headlines cost ratings to solar so the government realize that no one really cared about what really was going on. The more junk America watched the more junk they would show us.

The News shows are broadcasted for about an hour and out of the entire hour only about 10 minutes of that news segment consist of real news & that 10 minutes is scattered throughout the segment in between the drama filled headlines and political views and promotions which deter citizens from any factual news that they may have actually retained. The government now controls the media and has been for the past 30 years & still they can hide Intel and push agendas with the manipulation of televisions, cell phones, likes, shares, tweets and subscribers through ridiculous headlines that are just completely absurd which is their way of controlling the mindset of my lost citizens who don’t realize that “ you can’t believe everything that you read or hear on the news”.

Tiyhera Christine


According to an article published by the the national Cancer institute the usage of cellular devices puts us all at risk for cancer. Wi-Fi radio frequency and mobile phones are among the main sources of exposure among general population to radio frequency electromagnetic fields also known as (RF-EMF). Studies have shown that despite the denial, exposure of microorganisms to (RF-EMF) is extremely harmful to life.Radio frequency is the major cause of the rapid decline in biodiversity, and this will be the total destruction of all life on planet earth .The World Health organization classified radiation frequency as possible, “carcinogenic “meaning causing cancer in 2011. Their studies report two types of brain cancer that may occur , which are “Glioma & Acoustic Neuroma”. Even though the data remains controversial, most scientists agree that there is a risk in people using cell phones too much. It is reported, that people who talk on their cell phone for several hours a day or 50% more likely to develop brain cancer. This is because of the radio waves produced by cell phone.

In today’s fast paced World it is almost impossible to imagine our every day living without cell phones. Cell phones are one of the most successful inventions of the 20th century. According to the U.N Telecom agency, there are almost 6 billion cell phone users in the world who don’t realize how much we depend on cell phones, or the consequences of our excessive usage. For example, if my Wi-Fi router is a Netgear 5GHZ router that emits both at the 5 GHz and 2 .4 GHZ frequencies. A microwave oven uses 2.4 5GHz frequency to cook food. The new 5G Wi-Fi routers that are available now to use utilize the 60 GHz, 5 GHz and a 2.4 GHZ frequencies so having those routers is The same as having a mini 5G router in your home. According to PC magazine there are plans to place 5G towers in at least 11 cities this year and in all the major states & cities by 2020. In addition I’ve learned that the exposure to EMFs make people feel bad & out of balance & full of aches and pains. Exposure to 5G is said to be comparable to 17 minutes inside of at microwave so basically,5G literally cooks your brain and body. There are certainly commercial benefits to 5G technology being installed in the United States cities, but exposure to it means we will be much sicker than the competition. Since people who are sick don’t perform well at their jobs ultimately, 5G represents economic disadvantages as well.

The fifth generation also known as 5G is going to have a huge positive impact on most major cell phone carriers. These major carriers will become the providers of streaming services for everything from data, to TV content, to games; in my opinion they will eventually replace cable and Internet connections because there will be no need to use those services. Sooner then later there Will be a router in your house or office that will supply everything. Eventually every cell phone will have to be replaced by the new 5G phone. Many people don’t realize that they already have a mini cell tower emitting high levels of radiation in their homes and offices right now. Some even have a 5G mini cell tower. We called them Wi-Fi routers. Just like a cell tower, a Wi-Fi router emits at full power 24 hours a day 7 days a week, or as long as you have it turned on. It’s range includes your entire home and beyond. It’s radiation is the exact same radiation that a cell tower emits, or that your microwave use to cook your food. Forbes magazine recently published an editorial titled “everything you need to hear about Wi-Fi and cancer risks”, in which medical director Gary Larson, argues that there has never been and will never be a randomized trial assessing the cause & effect relationship between radiofrequency emissions and neoplastic disease. In order to have a random ass study, half of the randomly selected subjects would need to avoid cell phone usage and that’s just not going to happen ! The national Cancer institute warns us that 5g uses a much shorter wavelength, so transmitters will have to be erected every 500 feet. This means that such transmitters will appear in schools, and bus stops, and all over the place. Even if you don’t use a cell phone, therefore, 5G technology means you will still be emitted in the zone continuously, and able to escape the Effects.

Believe it or not it is possible to protect yourself from the radiation in mid it from your Wi-Fi router there is something you can purchase from Amazon called a Wi-Fi router guard which will help guard you when your family from that continuous flow of RS radiation throughout the day. When I think about this matter I can only speak for myself and my family and the precautions that we take. We are all Apple users I have an Imac computer & we all have Apple devices, so I utilize my parenting skills by setting a limitation on how long any of my daughters can be on their phone. My daughters are limited to 2 1/2 hours daily. It has also been advised that when charging your phone overnight you should charge your phone when it’s powered off, you shouldn’t carry your cell phone in your pocket, and you should try to use your cell phone as less as possible, and we have to start raising our children to be aware of the cell phone usage dangers training them to use their cell phone as less as possible as well. The latest question in reference to this matter is, are AirPods in other Bluetooth headphones safe? According to Health.com everyone should be concerned about AirPods because their placement Inside of the ear canal exposes tissues in the head to relatively high levels of radio frequency radiation. So basically , yes it is true excessive usage of WiFi, cell phones, AirPods & other wireless Bluetooth devices are considered unsafe their fore unsustainable.


According to self love empowerment manifester  

Vanessa white 

better known as OlanikeeOsi

People in general but

Particularly women

should love  themselves by be more selfish and authentic.

Now I know what you’re probably thinking like 

what ?

be more selfish ?

now You can see authentic but selfish! 

Yea you all probably thinking  I’m trippin right 

So let’s just take a moment to define selfish.

Selfish is an adjective

it’s meaning is

of a person action or motive lacking consideration for others concern chiefly with one’s own personal profit or pleasure.

Me personally. I live a Egocentric lifestyle

which is kinda egotistical


But it took a while for me to get here.

to change my self perspective even some Of the perspectives I had on life

 To selfishly love myself

Now I know your all thinking like

we can all be selfish at times

but egocentric

Sounds more like

conceit or jus being plain ole narcissistic… 

but jus hear me out ok

 It all started a few months ago 10 moths ago to be exact 

I had been reading a lot of self help books and listening to a variety of podcast 

So I decided I was going back to school to pursue my dreams of becoming a well respected actress. 

But I had no high school diploma so 

I utilize my resources and I found a awesome six-month high school diploma program which cost about $1200 over the six-month period and I aced it 

Then I obtained my act235 certification So that I could work to provide for my family as an armed security officer 

& lastly

I took the steps and enrolled in Ccp without procrastination. 

Which was a selfish-act on my behalf indeed. 



That  quote caused me to reevaluate my life and 

begin to live less selflessly but more selfishly

You see I’m a mother of 4 daughters 

I work two jobs 


I didn’t care how my going back to school would effect 

my jobs 

my children and 

to be honest I didn’t even know how I was going to Cover the expenses . 

I told myself I got this

I would selfishly tell myself 

its all gonna work itself out . I’m doing me by any 

means necessary. 

You see 

Most of us are taught from a young age to always be consider of others to be empathetic all of that stuff

yet if I had done so I wouldn’t be standing here speaking in front of this class today. 

All the content I had been engaged in suggested 

saying daily affirmations 


I didn’t know any affirmations and I wasn’t comfortable

 making up my own at that point

so I searched out the hashtag affirmations on Instagram 

which is how I came across OlanikeeOsi the owner and ceo founder of both Goddest Detox Inc and Selfishbabe podcast

Listening to the SELFISH podcast has empowered me to not feel guilty for being selfish 

OlanikeeOsi gives advice on how to manifest the things u want into your life 

In 2019  we have to learn to be more selfishly authentic within our every day lives

we have to put our feelings and our emotions before anything 

we have to be more conscious of the people who are around us

& the energy they bring into our environment not to mention how the energy effects you

We have to manifest the things that we want into our lives by 

Setting short term goals 

then taking the steps to accomplishing them 

by removing all negative self talk and meaningless conversations 

 Most importantly using daily affirmations

Because you have the power to Manifest The unforeseen 

if you tell yourself you’re going to fail then you’re going to fail if you tell yourself you’re going to win 

then nine times out of 10 you’re going to take the steps necessary to ensure that you do indeed win

As a child growing up when our parents gave us boundaries and told us to be considerate of the feelings of others 

they never tell us how harsh and cold the world really is 


everyone is not gonna be considerate of you or your feelings 

so you have to protect your energy your space

You have to control your life

even if that means being selfish with your time, your company 



All these hugs

yet I still can’t feel the love

i’m just going with the flow

trained to go

especially if its a go

say it aint so

because how can one live life without doe

I too can put on a show

just take a seat

got u thinking yea SheUnique

So is you really wanting me

i was just wondering?